I'm trying to select a nice dish to make for a family member whose recuperating. I learned to do that from my mother, who was an incredible cook. She used to take nourishment to friends, family and neighbors when "situations" came up where she'd have an opportunity to be supportive and show love. This is how a sense of community is developed and we all need that. I've done this for years and it's always made me feel good. Sometimes it's a thankless job, but I don't do it for thanks that I may receive. I do it to strengthen my soul. Giving is so good for the soul. Sometimes that's hard for people to understand that, because they don't understand the nature of true giving. True giving happens when you get nothing in return. I try not to judge people because that's not my job. My job, as I see it, is to show love, then turn it over to God. Even when (especially when) I'm hurt or disrespected by people for whom I've put myself on the line. This has allowed me to enjoy a joyful life that is not dependEnt on the actions of others. Modern life presents many challenges. Whether we like it or not, we're all in this together. Take dinner to someone who can't do it for themselves. If you can't cook it yourself, order something you can bring to them. With my mother's loving heart and culinary teachings, I'm going to make smothered chicken, fried corn and a sweet potato pie. I'll have a beer when I get home from making my delivery and sleep ever so peacefully. Here's what's up for the weekend.
Smothered chicken http://cookingwithoutborders.wordpress.com/
fried corn http://www.myrecipes.com/
Than a cold one, some music and nighty night
Lovely day Jill Scott